A Sampling of Global Clients:

* All logos and brands are property of their respective owners.
Client Testimonials:
“Dr. Kim, we call someone like you ‘guru’ in our culture.” - A US multinational’s VP in India
“Dr. Kim, you were a rock star.” (for cultural integration programs she conducted for an international acquisition) - US HR Executive
“Working with Dr. Kim was the highlight of my expat assignment.” - A US expat in Europe
"Dr. Kim was the epitome of professional with a true, genuine, and caring heart. She helped us at all levels, both personally and professionally. Every minute with her was worth it.” - American expat in France
“Dr. Kim’s coaching was critical to my success in leading global teams.” - Chinese expat in the US
“Dr. Kim is the best listener I’ve ever met in my 25-year career.” - Senior VP of a US multinational
“A coaching session with Dr. Kim felt like a meditation session. No matter how pressured I was, it always energized me and helped me focus on critical issues that matter.” - President of Asia-Pacific of an Asian conglomerate,
“Dr. Kim helps me broaden my perspective to the areas I won’t choose to work on myself, which enables me to maximize the diversity of talents we have.” - Chief Operating Officer of a US multinational
"I received more coaching from Dr. Kim than any coaching I received for the last 10 years." - General Counsel of an American multinational
“Dr. Kim, thank you for making my BIG promotion possible.” - CFO of an international luxury brand
“Dr. Kim is an absolute expert in her field, articulate and commands a tremendous presence in any training session.” - US Marketing Executive
“Special thank you for a fantastic program with our executive team. They were ecstatic with the outcome and it seems that the team as a whole valued the opportunity for such an open discussion and exploration of the issues and the way forward.” - An Asia-Pacific HR Executive for a US multinational
“Dr. Kim really helps employees of each culture to imagine what it might be like to be a member of another culture in the workplace with them, and to understand and appreciate both the strengths and the weaknesses of each culture. Her seminars are extremely valuable, truly enlightening, and very enjoyable.” - Change Agent of a US subsidiary of a Korean conglomerate