For the last 20 years, I’ve spent my annual “Think Week” around New Year's Day in heavenly Maui. I sit on the beach for endless hours looking at ocean waves, watching whales playing, waiting for rainbows, and simply doing nothing. My January 1st ritual is to go to a bookstore to buy a journal. I dream, visualize and write down how I want to live that year. It always provides me renewed energy to start a new year with hope and courage. Throughout the year, I find inspiration in music, art and architecture. I feel more serenity at art museums than at spas. I am always rejuvenated in beautiful spaces with positive vibes. I have selected a few of my photos that inspire me.

Hawaii Sunset IMG_5623
Hope IMG_6317
Milan light crop IMG_5364
Red art crop IMG_9381
Proms crop IMG_1091
Quotes power IMG_9020
Chile mountains crop IMG_6829
Happy view sunglasses crop3 IMG_8905